How Do You Treat Advanced Tooth Decay?

How Do You Treat Advanced Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is an oral health condition that occurs when the hard, outer layer of your teeth, known as enamel, is destroyed. This destruction is typically the result of a diet high in sugar and starches combined with poor oral hygiene. Understanding the stages of tooth decay is vital to preventing it from escalating to a severe stage.


Identifying Advanced Tooth Decay

Identifying advanced tooth decay early is crucial to preventing further complications. The symptoms of advanced tooth decay can vary from person to person, but commonly include severe toothache, sensitivity to hot and cold, visible holes or pits in the teeth, and swollen gums around a tooth.

Diagnosing advanced tooth decay involves a combination of a dental exam and imaging tests. A dentist will typically use a small mirror to inspect the teeth, looking for signs of decay. X-rays may also be used to detect cavities and check the extent of the decay. In some cases, more advanced imaging techniques, such as a dental CT scan, might be necessary to identify the extent of the decay.

It’s essential to seek dental care as soon as you notice any of these symptoms. The sooner advanced tooth decay is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment will be.


The Importance of Treating Advanced Tooth Decay

Treating advanced tooth decay is crucial to preserving oral health and preventing further complications. Left untreated, advanced tooth decay can lead to severe pain, abscesses, and even tooth loss. It can also affect your overall health. Studies have linked poor oral health, including untreated tooth decay, to several health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Investing in treating advanced tooth decay not only alleviates pain and discomfort but also contributes to improved overall wellbeing.


Different Treatment Options for Advanced Tooth Decay

There are several treatment options for advanced tooth decay, depending on the severity of the condition. The goal of any treatment is to remove the decay, restore the tooth, and prevent further decay.

Fillings are the most common treatment for tooth decay. They involve removing the decayed tooth material and filling the cavity with a material like silver, gold, or composite resin. However, if the decay has reached the pulp of the tooth, a root canal may be necessary. This procedure involves removing the decayed pulp, cleaning and sealing the inside of the tooth, and then restoring it with a crown or filling.


What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are used when a large cavity threatens the ongoing health of a tooth. They are typically bonded to the tooth using dental cement.

Crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination of these. The choice of material depends on factors like the tooth's location, the patient's preference, and the cost.


The Benefits of Crowns for Treating Tooth Decay

Dental crowns offer several benefits for treating advanced tooth decay. Firstly, they provide a strong protective cover for a damaged tooth, preventing further decay. Moreover, crowns restore the functionality of the tooth, allowing you to eat and speak normally.

Additionally, crowns can improve the appearance of your teeth, as they can be made to match the color of your natural teeth. This makes them a popular choice for restorative dentistry.

Lastly, with proper care, dental crowns can last for many years, making them a long-term solution for treating advanced tooth decay.


Preventing Advanced Tooth Decay

Regular dentistry check-ups play a crucial role in preventing advanced tooth decay. These check-ups allow your dentist to detect early signs of tooth decay and intervene before it progresses to a more severe stage.

During a check-up, your dentist will clean your teeth to remove any plaque or tartar buildup, which are major contributors to tooth decay. They will also provide advice on how to maintain good oral hygiene at home.

It's recommended to have a dental check-up at least twice a year. However, if you're at a higher risk of tooth decay—for example, if you have a dry mouth, a diet high in sugars and starches, or poor oral hygiene habits—you may need more frequent check-ups.


Taking Control of Your Dental Health


Advanced tooth decay is a serious dental issue that requires prompt treatment. From fillings and crowns to root canals and extractions, various treatments can address this condition. However, prevention is always better than cure. Regular dental check-ups, combined with a good oral hygiene routine at home, are your best defense against tooth decay.

Take control of your dental health today. If you have symptoms of tooth decay, don't delay seeking dental care. Visit Castro Valley Dentistry in our Castro Valley, California, office. Call (510) 674-0900 to schedule an appointment today.

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