Cosmetic White Fillings

The pressure to own an aesthetically attractive smile is greater than ever before. In fact, studies have shown that some people would categorically turn down a second date with someone purely over the appearance of their smile. If you require dental restorative work, this can be concerning. Normally the cheapest types of dental restoration are anything but subtle or discreet, and this could draw unwanted attention to your smile. Fortunately, there are solutions that are much less obvious.

Also known as tooth-colored fillings, cosmetic white fillings are being increasingly used by patients who require restoration due to dental decay. This is because they are much more discreet than the previous go-to material for dental fillings – silver amalgam.

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings Made Of?

Exactly what ingredients will be used to make your white fillings will vary. However, typically they are created from a combination of glass particles, synthetic resin, and a setting ingredient. Our dental team will be able to divulge more specific information about what material will be used to create your personal white filling.

What Can White Fillings Be Used to Correct?

Just like amalgam fillings, white fillings can be used as a fast and simple way of correcting a variety of dental situations, including:

  • Teeth that are cracked or chipped
  • Teeth with gaps between them
  • Reshaping short or uneven teeth
  • Filling cavities
  • Replacing previous cavity fillings

Are White Fillings as Good as Silver Amalgam Fillings?

This is one of the biggest concerns that many patients have when they are considering alternatives to metal restorations that are compromising the appearance of their teeth. After all, we all want our restorations to last as long as possible. While white fillings have generally been considered less long-lasting than silver varieties, the materials used today can certainly give amalgam fillings a run for their money!

Benefits of Cosmetic White Fillings

Unsurprisingly, the biggest advantage of cosmetic white fillings lies in their color. By opting for a restoration that is very close in color to your natural tooth, you can benefit from the following:

  • A highly discreet dental restoration
  • Greater confidence in your smile
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Less desire to cover your mouth when you eat, drink, talk, laugh and more
  • A naturally attractive smile
  • A smile that looks healthy

Ultimately, by choosing a cosmetic white filling, you can avoid the negative psychological effects associated with feeling unhappy with an element of your appearance. This alone can be instrumental in your overall confidence that will go on to affect your personal and professional relationships and even your career.

If you are considering replacing your existing amalgam fillings with a more discreet and natural alternative, cosmetic white fillings are the solution that you are looking for. If you have further questions about this cosmetic restoration or if you would like to schedule your confidential consultation, please get in touch with our modern, comfortable dental office at Castro Valley Dentistry in Castro Valley, CA today (510) 674-0900.

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